Samsung has a successor for their U2 Mp3 player, the U3. The 25mm tall Mp3 player, features a built-in FM radio, 4GB for you to store up to 1000 songs, voice recorder capabilities, record up to 33 hours of voice (ideal for keeping an audio diary or schedule) and it’s available in five colors: pink, green, blue, black and white.
Another gadget for todays round-up is the 0ral B Triumph Toothbrush which features a ‘SmartGuide’ for proper tooth brushing. All your wisdom teeth can finally come into contact with a toothbrush. The smartguide can be placed on the sink , and it will let you know how long you’ve been brushing, and if you happen to gag, it will wirelessly communicate with you toothbrush and let you where to continue from.
T3 and blog.scifi